6601 Sugarloaf Pkwy #250
Duluth, GA 30097
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10 common questions asked about white filling [post op]

1. How Long Does My White Filling Lasts?

Any filling need to be replaced they are not permanent. The average life span of white fillings range from 5 to 15 years. Composite fillings lasts around 5 years or so. Glass ionomers are less resistant and lasts around 5 years but ceramic fillings last for 15 years or so.

2. Is My White Filling As Strong As Metal Filling?

Composites or white fillings often allows a dentist to prepare a cavity much smaller than silver amalgam which preserves the natural tooth, making a smaller filling is important to the strength of the teeth and for increasing the amount of time a filling will wear. When placed properly composites are almost as strong as amalgam fillings.

3. Can My White Filling Get Stained?

Composite resin filling may tend to stain when exposed to substances like red wine, coffee, black tea or tobacco over a period of time. Ceramic fillings are resistant to stains.

4. What Do I Do If My Filling Gets Chipped Off?

If the filling chipped off without exposing the tooth structure then the dentist may smoothen the rough surface if the filling. If the chipped filling exposes the tooth structure underneath then the filling can be repaired or redone depending on the type of filling.

5. What Do I Do If My Filling Comes Out?

Restoration or filling need replacement after some time no filling last forever, however unexpected falling out of filling may result in pain and discomfort. The visit to dentist office should be made where x-ray is done to determine the best treatment if the tooth can be restored with a filling it can be done.

6. Can Regular Cleaning Be Done Around White Fillings?

Yes personal and professional cleaning can be done around fillings infect they are required for the maintenance of the filling.

7. How To Remove Stains On The White Fillings?

The stain can be removed or not depends on the material and type of stain. If the staining is superficial on the composites it can be polished off. In some cases composites absorb the stains which means the stain penetrates in to the material which can’t be polished off in such cases some of the surface material has to be removed and the composite resurfaced which will remove the stain and fresh the appearance.

8. Can I Eat After Filling Is Done?

The dentists gives anesthesia which numbs the tooth area which usually lasts between 1 to 2 hrs so eating when the area is numb may lead to injury of tongue, cheek and lips due to biting. Eating after anesthesia wears off is appropriate.

9. How Can I Maintain My White Fillings?

  • Regular brushing and flossing with soft tooth brush twice a day.
  • Do not use abrasive tooth pastes or baking soda.
  • Reduce exposure to tobacco, coffee, red wine, soy sauce etc which stain the tooth.
  • Do not rinse with mouth washes containing alcohol.
  • Do not use your teeth for opening packages, biting thread, nail biting, chewing ice etc
  • Visiting dentist regularly for checkups.

10. Can I Get Back To Work After White Fillings Are Done?

Returning to work after a dental filling is dependent on the patient and the type of work one does. The procedure such as simple fillings require little local anesthesia which typically wears off in within a few hours, it does not inhibit speaking or cause drowsiness so returning to work may not be a problem.
